VID Interns Emily Paulter and Brooke Ferris work together on their laptops in the Class of 1941 Studio for Student Communication.

The VID experience


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to dive into the world of design and videography while still in school? Meet the Visual Information Design program, a unique experience that bridges the gap between classrooms and real-world clients.  

The VID internship is a hands-on learning experience that connects students with real clients. It’s not just about textbooks and lectures; it’s about immersing yourself in the creative process. 

Jessica Sandor, a sophomore intern, puts it, “It just gives the students an opportunity to mix with clients and get real experience.”

What sets this program apart is its focus on individual interests. Interns are divided into teams, each working on different projects, from designing to videography. The division provides a variety of experiences and allows students to explore their passions. 

Sandor shared, “Each person gets two teams, and you can get a choice of which team you want to be on. So it kind of takes to each person’s individual interests, which I think is super helpful.”

The program currently hosts five students – all from different majors and backgrounds – creating a dynamic environment. With mentors like Sarah Costley, David Williams and Nicole Weldy leading the way, the interns benefit from a supportive and collaborative atmosphere. 

“The environment is just great; it’s very welcoming. And they want to help you; all they want to do is just help you learn,” Sandor added.

Meeting clients face-to-face is a unique aspect of the VID program. Whether in person or over Zoom, interns engage directly with clients to present their work and receive valuable feedback. This personal touch goes beyond mere email exchanges and adds a layer of authenticity to the learning experience.

Aside from client interactions, interns train to offer consultations and assistance on various design software. The interns are well-equipped to provide constructive feedback from Adobe programs like Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro and Photoshop to tools like Canva and Procreate. 

“We do post quick tips and things that can be helpful to students, and we are open for doing peer tutoring services,” explained Sandor.

When asked about software recommendations for beginners, the intern suggested Illustrator as the easiest to navigate. Each program serves a unique purpose, with Illustrator being great for creative drawing, Photoshop for photo editing, InDesign for layouts and Premiere Pro for videos.

In the Fall semester, VID’s clients included Cultivate, CU Navigate, Pearce Center, the associate provost for curriculum innovation and Brooks Center. 

As for the exciting projects the interns are working on this semester, Jessica shared their experience with CU Navigate clients. What makes it fascinating is the opportunity to see their creations displayed around the school. 

“You can walk by the football stadium and see something that you made, and it’s really cool,” Sandor said.

Sandor emphasized, “I always encourage my friends to apply because I just think it’s such a great opportunity. It takes the work out of a job because you’re doing something that you really enjoy doing, which I think is super important.” 

If you have a knack for design and a passion for creativity, the VID internship might be your ticket to a fulfilling and enjoyable learning experience.

By: Pravi Bomrah