Our Staff

Ashley Fisk smiles at the camera and poses in front of a natural background.

Assistant Director

Ashley Cowden Fisk

Email: cowden2@g.clemson.edu

Sarah Costley smiles and looks at the camera as she poses in front of a natural background.

Program Coordinator

Sarah Costley

Email: sstilli@clemson.edu

Allison Daniel smiles and faces the camera as she poses in front of a natural background.

Professional Communication Specialist

Allison Daniel

Email: asd@g.clemson.edu

Faculty Advisory Council

Chelsea Murdock poses with arms clasped in front of her, smiling at the camera in front of a natural background.

Director of Writing Center

Chelsea Murdock

Email: cjmurdo@clemson.edu

Dave Blaksesley leans against a tree and smiles at the camera.

Campbell Chair in Technical Communication

David Blakesley

Email: dblakes@clemson.edu

Lesly Temesvari smiles and faces the camera directly as she poses in front of a natural background.

Alumni Distinguished Professor

Lesly Temesvari

Email: ltemesv@clemson.edu

Jordan Friith faces the camera and smiles as he poses in front of a natural background.

Pearce Professor of Professional Communication

Jordan Frith

Email: jfrith@clemson.edu

Amanda Cooper Fine smiles and faces the camera as she poses in front of a natural background.

Senior Lecturer

Amanda Cooper Fine

Email: acoope2@clemson.edu

Rhondda Thomas smiles and faces the camera as she poses in her office.

Calhoun Lemon Professor of Literature

Rhondda Thomas

Email: rhonddt@clemson.edu

Senior Lecturer

Anne Salces Nedeo

Email: asalces@clemson.edu

WAC Faculty

Cameron Bushnell poses with her arms crossed in front of a dark background.

Associate Professor

Cameron Bushnell

Email: cbushne@clemson.edu

Katalin Beck smiles at the camera and poses in front of a natural background.

Senior Lecturer

Katalin Beck

Email: kbeck@clemson.edu

Phil Randall smiles and poses in front of a natural background.

Senior Lecturer

Phil Randall

Email: randal3@clemson.edu

VID Staff

Sarah Costley smiles and looks at the camera as she poses in front of a natural background.

VID Coordinator

Sarah Costley

Email: sstilli@clemson.edu

M. Tiffany Messer-Bass smiles at the camera and poses in front of white cabinets.

VID Coordinator

M. Tiffany Messer-Bass

Email: mmesser@clemson.edu

PEP Staff

PEP editor Jess Clay smiles at the camera and poses in front of a presentation on the essentiality of TikTok in the writing classroom.

PEP Editor

Jess Clay

Email: jclay3@g.clemson.edu 

Allison Daniel smiles and faces the camera as she poses in front of a natural background.

Professional Communication Specialist

Allison Daniel

Email: asd@g.clemson.edu

Pearce Center for Professional Communication

Class of 1941 Studio | 261 Humanities Hall

