
The Visual Information Design program is here to serve Clemson faculty and students who need help with their visual projects. Whether you are creating a research poster, PowerPoint presentation or flyer, our interns can help you brainstorm ideas or learn to utilize new technology. VID offers thirty minute and hour long consultations. Schedule your appointment by clicking the link below. Before your appointment, take a look at our VID Policies to get a better idea of how our interns can help you.

Who We Are

VID interns and coordinators stand in a line outside Humanities Hall and smile at the camera.

Meet the Fall 2024 VID Interns!

Ella Fales Headshot (1)

Ella Fales


Untitled design (2)

Ellie Tucker

Visual Arts

VID Headshot Fall 2024

Emily Paulter



Jessica Sandor


Juliette headshot

Juliette Fleck



Sofia Puig

Marketing and Management

Become a VID Intern

Visual Information Design interns work with Clemson students, faculty and staff on their visual presentations. Interns receive training in multiple platforms to assist the widest audience possible.

Become a VID Intern

VID intern Skill Review

VID interns are trained in industry-standard design software and visual information design principles to assist Clemson students and faculty with their design presentations. Take a look below at the skills the 2022-2023 VID interns reported the most growth in.

VID intern skill survey graphic featuring statistics on what VID interns learned. Click the image for a full transcription.

VID Projects

Cultivate San Antonio

Planting Guide created by VID interns for Cultivate Magazine.

In the 2021-2022 school year, the VID interns partnered with Cultivate, a nonprofit urban agriculture magazine out of San Antonio, Texas, to redesign their online magazine. In collaboration with Cultivate leadership, the interns started by creating new brand guidelines, which included designing new logos and choosing typefaces and colors for the magazine. The interns assisted with the creation of the winter and spring issues with the ultimate goal of creating an overall magazine template that included a
table of contents, planting guides, articles and recipes for the Cultivate team to use in the future.

In the Fall semester, the interns were tasked with curating an infographic to reflect research into a well-designed article while following Cultivate’s new brand guidelines. In the Spring semester, the interns used their skills and training from the VID program to create an article on food insecurity and injustice in the San Antonio area through infographics. Furthermore, the Cultivate intern team used the templates created in Fall 2021 to redesign articles for the spring issue, including the Crop Focus section and advice-based articles. The interns also redesigned the seasonal planting guide, which is featured in each issue.

Through the Cultivate project, interns developed skills in magazine layout design, template curation, infographic design, brand development, Adobe InDesign, Canva and more.


VID Intern sititng at a laptop reviewing a social media post.

This year, the VID marketing team worked to promote the services that VID offers and inform students and faculty about design . They used Facebook and Instagram to engage audiences through weekly posts and stories that highlighted the VID consultants and activities. The team also shared information on upcoming events and offered tips that focused on design concepts and included information on using programs such as Canva, Google Slides, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator and more.

In addition to the social media posts, the team presented to classes to introduce students to VID. Classes were given handouts that outlined VID’s purpose and services, the location of the Pearce Center and how to make an appointment via QR code. The interns also reached out to organizations and event planners across campus to offer peer tutoring on visual projects such as research posters, PowerPoint presentations, flyers and more. The opportunity to increase engagement through social media and outreach
across campus allowed the team
to grow the Pearce Center’s social media presence and share valuable information to help improve students’ design
skills for the future.

Annual Report

Cover of 2021-2022 Annual Report featuring a purple overlay over a picture of students walking on campus.

During the Fall and Spring semesters, VID’s annual report team used design to create and enhance this annual report, which summarizes the Pearce Center’s many programs, events and support systems. In the Fall semester, the team worked in Adobe InDesign to renovate the organization, color scheme and basic design principles of the report following Clemson’s brand guidelines. These tasks advanced the designers’ skills and gave them experience in designing within an established brand, using fonts, colors and design principles that fit both the University’s style and the goal of the report.

The team began designing preliminary templates in Fall 2021, which was continued and completed in Spring 2022. Communication and collaboration during the Spring semester with the Pearce Interns allowed the VID team to adjust the templates to meet the needs of each section or page. With a template of the report completed, the VID team created infographics to supplement the existing pictures, information and reflections. Finally, the interns completed the report with the text provided by the Pearce Interns and submitted the report for critiques, revisions and printing.

Pearce Center

Poster with information about the Class of 1941.

The VID interns on the Pearce Center team worked on creating a variety of branded materials. In the Fall semester, interns created a series of VID handout and flyer templates to create a uniform style for future materials. These templates include replaceable text and photo boxes, as well as scannable QR codes to further inform the audience about the program and direct viewers to the website. In the Spring semester, interns redesigned some of the outdated graphics around Daniel Hall, including the posters in the Class of 1941 exhibit. The original posters showcased Roy Pearce and the Class of 1941 but lost color and readability over the years. The interns redesigned the posters to emphasize Roy Pearce’s life and the Class of 1941’s many contributions to the University. The interns also worked on creating a new logo for Professional Editing at Pearce and redesigning the Pearce Center’s letterhead. Both projects required extensive brainstorming and collaboration to create designs that represented the programs and center effectively.

Through these projects, interns gained an understanding of designing for a client, using brand guidelines and creating templates for the years ahead.

VID Work Samples

Student Services Rhetoric
Example of work sample created by VID interns about Pearce Center
Example of work sample created by VID interns about on-campus student services
Example of work sample created by VID interns on 2020-2021 year highlights
Example of work sample created by VID interns of Class of 1941 Studio blueprint
Example of work sample created by VID interns about Pearce Center programs

VID Intern Reflections

Jackie Roberts (2022-2023)

Intern Jacquelyn Roberts smiling in front of a natural backgroundI have worked as a Visual Information Design intern for three semesters. Prior to my time here, I was still determining which career path I wanted to pursue, and this internship clarified the work I want to do after graduation. I have had the opportunity to work with real clients and projects throughout my time here. Since starting at VID, I have primarily worked with Cultivate San Antonio, a magazine based out of Texas. It has been so exciting watching the growth of the brand. Over the past three semesters, we have accomplished designing a full magazine, creating a functional website and marketing for the company. Working in numerous softwares has expanded my knowledge about the many career avenues of graphic design.

Aside from our client work, we also had weekly training sessions. Our mentors would introduce unfamiliar software in a step-by-step demonstration. In my regular courses, getting one-on-one help when learning a new program can be difficult, so participating in these training sessions has helped me with both my client work and class work. Although the mentors delivered the majority of presentations, my fellow interns and I led the remainder. I have always struggled with public speaking, but these presentations have improved my skills tremendously.

Another significant component of the position is peer consultations. Through numerous tutoring sessions, I learned how to collaborate with students of various majors on their design projects. Many of the students we tutor have little design background, so I am grateful for the opportunity to share tips and advice that students can carry into future projects. I love
getting to know other students that I might not otherwise have met. Despite being the tutor, I have learned just as much from these sessions from the students I’m consulting! Due to these consultations, I have improved my collaboration, communication and technical skills.

The abilities and relationships I built from these few semesters are beyond what I expected. I will always be grateful for the support and encouragement from our outstanding mentors, Sarah, David and Nicole, and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to collaborate with so many talented interns. This position has given me the skills and experience to move forward confidently in my professional career.

Lara Tijing (2022-2023)

Lara smiles at the camera and poses in front of a gray background.When applying for jobs before the Fall 2022 semester, I knew that I wanted to work at a place that related to graphic design and had a great and positive workspace. During my interview for VID, I could tell that this is where I wanted to work. I was unsure what VID was at the time, but it seemed similar to some of the projects I had done for my graphic communications classes. I wanted to work on projects that expressed my creativity and put me out of my comfort zone by doing consultations.

During my two semesters here, I have been on the annual report, community engagement and marketing teams. I got to work on projects such as the annual report, the Tiger Walk brochure, motion graphics of some infographics and the Brooks Center’s “A Year With Frog and Toad” video. While working on these projects, I got to delve deeper into the softwares that I used compared to when I used them for my courses. I learned to love InDesign, which I was iffy about before I used it to design the report. I also have come to like photography and cinematography, thanks to some of my projects for VID. By working on these projects, I used brand guidelines I had not followed before my time here and developed my design style and aesthetic for my personal brand.

Sarah, David and Nicole have been amazing mentors during my time here. Their training in the Adobe Creative Cloud, different genres of visual media and mock peer tutoring sessions were helpful in my development of skills. My confidence in my design skills grew thanks to critiques during meetings from the mentors and other interns. I also developed technical skills in many softwares and soft skills in leadership, communication and problem-solving. I hope to apply these skills and experience to my future career, as I would love to keep working creatively. I am so thankful to the great people working here and the support they offered during my time with VID.

VID Staff

Sarah headshot

Sarah Costley

Pearce Center

M. Tiffany Messer-Bass smiles at the camera and poses in front of white cabinets.

M. Tiffany Messer-Bass