What is the Visual Information Design program?

From infographics to research posters, the Visual Information Design program is here to serve Clemson faculty and students with the design of any multimodal project. 

Our interns are trained to assist clients with any questions they may have concerning the visual elements of a project. This includes the layout, color palette, wording and overall design.  

Interns are also trained to assist clients with specific design software questions such as the Adobe Suite, Microsoft and Google. 

We offer 30-minute and hour long consultations to help brainstorm ideas and learn how to utilize design software. 

So what is information design?

The primary goal of information design is to clearly communicate the research and data of a project to its specific audience. 

Information design is a part of all multimodal projects. It includes graphs, charts, flyers, infographics, videos, research posters and many more. 

How to make an appointment 

Visit our page of the Pearce Center website to schedule an appointment. Click on the button labeled “Schedule an Appointment.” Under “Choose Appointment,” select a date and time, and click continue.

Next, fill in your information, such as your name, email and major. Once you have filled in all of your information, click “Complete Appointment.” 

Where to find us

We are located in the ‘41 Studio on the first floor of Daniel Hall.

Visit us at https://pearce.caah.clemson.edu/programs/visual-information-design-interns/