Professional Editing at Pearce testimonies

Susan Purser: “As a graduate student with hopes of publishing and writing professionally, I have been extremely appreciative of the services offered by the Pearce Center. With a background in science, writing is something I definitely struggle with, and I was fortunate to learn of the opportunity to collaborate with someone who would help me turn my passion and ideas into well-written text.”


Misty Stewart: “I submitted my dissertation to be edited. I felt like I was in a unique position since I was not a Clemson student or a faculty member, just an employee. Therefore, I was leery about the service. Fortunately, Allison and her team were wonderful to work with. I valued the editorial feedback and suggestions. I also appreciated having two editors review my dissertation. Their comments and directives were easily understood. I was also very pleased with the overall cost, which was more reasonable than hiring a private copy editor.”


Maira Patino: “Most recently, Allison helped edit an abstract in chapter three for a Special Issue Call for Papers in the World Leisure Journal. This abstract and chapter were accepted for submission to the full manuscript for publication in the fall of 2024. I 100% recommend PEP to other students and faculty. PEP eases the editing stress; they have a keen eye for detail and help with meeting deadlines because they have to receive your material in a timely matter. I am thankful for PEP and their timeliness to finish edits on my dissertation so I can meet my deadlines.” 


By: Kylee Butler