
The Pearce Center for Professional Communication is committed to enhancing the cultural and intellectual climate of Clemson University. To this end, the Pearce Center regularly hosts events and speakers that expose Clemson students and faculty to nationally and internationally recognized figures in all fields of humanistic inquiry and multiple professions including communications, education, government, journalism, marketing, public relations and publishing.

2023 International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference


The Pearce Center for Professional Communication hosted the sixteenth International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference in June 2023 at Clemson University. The hybrid event served as an opportunity for scholars from the United States and abroad to gather together and continue conversations around how writing and language impact student learning, with a strong emphasis on second-language learners.

Central Academy of the Arts Book Party


In 2022-2023, Pearce Interns were excited to once again visit an elementary school classroom to help students write and publish their first book — the first time they were able to do so since Spring 2020. Interns visited all three second-grade classrooms at Central Academy of the Arts to assist students in researching and writing about their favorite animals. At the end of Spring 2023, interns visited the school once more for a publication party to celebrate the first-time authors and their accomplishment. The party included pizza, goody bags and a visit from Clemson’s mascot to celebrate the young authors. All the students and teachers received copies of their books signed by The Tiger.

Alan Alda Center Faculty Workshop


A speaker stands at a podium presenting a lecture while the audience watches.In March 2021 and January 2022, the Pearce Center hosted a virtual faculty workshop through the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science called “The Essentials.” The three-hour workshop focused on effective communication strategies and techniques; it was particularly designed for faculty who need to present science research to non-specialist audiences, including grantees, collaborators in other fields and public audiences. Aimed at research scientists and practitioners who want to help others explore science and its significance, attendance was limited to 16 participants who were nominated to apply with at least one faculty member from every college on campus.

Doctoral Writing Workshop


A group of audience members look on as a presenter gives a lecture.In July 2020, the Pearce Center partnered with the Graduate School to host a virtual three-day workshop on writing for doctoral students. Keynote speaker Joli Jensen gave a presentation on the myths that often hinder writing, the importance of establishing daily writing habits and the benefits of writing groups. Three Pearce Center representatives – Cameron Bushnell, Phil Randall and Megan Pietruszewski – gave presentations on revision strategies, writing with concision, peer revision, conclusions, abstracts and voice and tone in writing. Each day concluded with a writing workshop in which students set personal writing goals and implemented the tips from the day in their writing.

14-Day Writing Challenge


A man sits at a wooden table and writes on paper with his laptop open beside him.Every semester since 2019, in collaboration with the Graduate School, the Pearce Center has hosted a 14-Day Writing Challenge that provides an opportunity for students and faculty to experiment with daily writing in a supportive environment. Inspired by the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, the goal is to write for at least 30 minutes every day for 14 days. At the end of that time, everyone is encouraged to evaluate whether the challenge increased or decreased productivity and if participation in a community challenge impacted personal enjoyment of the writing process.

Teaching Symposium


In December of 2019, the Pearce Center partnered with Clemson Online, Clemson Libraries and OTEI to put on an all-day teaching symposium. Open to all Clemson faculty and graduate students, the conference included four different workshops and a variety of talks by faculty members about teaching strategies and improving teaching in classroom settings. The morning and afternoon also included a series of “Six-Minute Teaching Tips” on Digital Tools, Visual and Interactive Learning, Metacognitive and Reflective Teaching Ideas, Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Teaching Methods, Online Teaching, Client-Based Teaching and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. A total of 24 speakers picked a teaching tip of their choice and provided advice on something that the audience members could use in their own classes. As a well-attended and well-received event, the symposium allowed faculty to share ideas and teaching practices to further improve the use of technology, communication and innovation in the classroom.