A conversation with WAC Faculty

Katalin Beck: 

Q: What is the goal of the WAC Faculty? 

A: “Working as a WAC Faculty member helps Clemson students and faculty to become effective communicators, but it’s also a wonderful opportunity to pursue professional goals such as collaborating across disciplines and departments, supporting the growth of our writing fellows and building a community that celebrates and promotes writing.”

Q: How has this program impacted students?

A: “The work we do in our program directly translates into the work the Grad WAC Fellows do with undergraduates. I see the trickle-down effect first-hand, and I notice their students’ enhanced critical writing awareness; it cultivates the culture of prioritizing writing as a learning, knowledge-making and professional advancement tool.”


Will Cunningham

Q; How has this program influenced your approach to teaching? 

A: “These students teach me something new every week. They are experts in their own right and many are trying to solve some of the most pressing problems we face in this world. It constantly reminds me that teaching is a give and take, and that letting others shine is often the best lesson we can deliver.”

Q: How does WAC foster collaboration with other faculty members?

A: “WAC is a networking machine. It is interdisciplinary, through and through. One of the best moments for me is when the WAC faculty workshop their proposal and grant applications together. Students discover they have similar goals despite differences in their subject matter.”

By: Ashtyn Goff