Making the Most of Your Clemson Education

I spent my freshman year getting through classes by cramming, procrastinating, and doing the bare minimum in order to achieve the grades that I wanted. This did work for me in that way; I reached the goals that I had set for myself. But looking back on it, I hardly learned anything at all. Today, I couldn’t tell you about the human skeleton and systems, or about all of the theories I memorized definitions for, or have a five-minute conversation with you in Spanish using the tenses that I learned. I crammed, memorized, aced it, and completely forgot it. I was missing the point. Here’s what I should’ve done differently: … Continue readingMaking the Most of Your Clemson Education

How to Succeed with Short-Termed Library and Archival Fellowship Grants

On November 9 in the Class of ‘41 Studio, Dr. Susannah Ashton, the Chair of the English Department and professor of American Literature, led a presentation on how to improve your chances of receiving archival research fellowship grants. The audience included members of the Clemson faculty who are currently working on their own archival research projects and are aiming to learn about different opportunities to increase their probabilities of receiving a grant. … Continue readingHow to Succeed with Short-Termed Library and Archival Fellowship Grants