Running a client social media account can be fast-paced hard work, but it is rewarding in the end. Here are some tips for creating influential social media campaigns that increase exposure and engagement for your brand. 

Know your audience. Whether it be age, gender, occupation, income or more, knowing who you are targeting is vital to getting your message across. Once you know your audience, keeping them engaged is your next step. You can increase engagement by creating posts that encourage them to interact with the page or share it with their own followers. This gives the account engagement and exposure all-in-one. Create engagement by posting question-and-answer segments or even funny polls. Giveaways are also an option. By posting a giveaway with specific instructions to win in the caption, your page’s reach, followers and mentions increase. 

Next, figure out your organization’s tone and voice. Upholding a brand’s tone is pertinent to creating a solid page. Depending on your organization’s mission, honing your theme shows what the business has to offer to the audience. The tone for social media should typically err on the side of casual. People tend to glance at a post when scrolling through their feeds. Make your content visually appealing and your descriptions intriguing. For instance, when making an informational graphic, remember to make it aesthetically pleasing and not too word heavy. Keep the important details in the main post but leave the lengthier description with more in-depth information for the caption. 

Another important aspect of social media marketing is budgeting. Social media is a free tool, but to get the most out of your usage, paying can benefit the exposure your pages get. For as little as five dollars on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, you can boost an individual post to a wider audience, leading to higher engagement and increased exposure. Aside from promotional aspects, budgeting for the creative aspect of digital marketing is just as important. Resources like Canva Pro and Adobe Suite can heavily impact the look and style of a social media page. Setting aside costs for resources like this can benefit the organization in the long run.  

After finalizing the type of content you intend on making, create a schedule for your posts. Having a steady schedule makes the job ten times easier. Some notable platforms to help schedule your posts include Hootsuite and Sprout Social. These platforms include interactive dashboards and calendars that help you visualize your posts for each social media platform your organization uses. 

Once you create and publish your posts, dive into the analytics of your social media pages to shape the future of your organization. One of the best software to analyze social media analytics is Sprinklr. This software conducts thorough sweeps of all social media platforms, analyzing keywords. From demographics like age and gender to sentiment and top keywords, Sprinklr portrays this information in a visually appealing manner. Other aspects you can find include top influencers, top detractors, reach and number of mentions about a specific topic. Learning about the details of a topic your organization posts about can help determine what is and what is not working for your post schedule.

Through social media marketing and analytics, figuring out strengths and weaknesses can speed up the process, indicating what needs to be done to make a strong digital.

Written by: Katie Mann
