Call for IWAC 2025 Hosting Proposals

The IWAC Conference Committee invites proposals for hosting the 2025 International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference.


Proposal Information

Proposals should contain relevant information that will help the committee decide why the IWAC conference should be hosted by your institution or a consortium of institutions that you have organized; whether the proposed location is convenient and affordable for international travelers; and whether the hosts have sufficient space, institutional support, and the resources to help run the conference.


Previous proposals have contained:

  • Reasons IWAC should be hosted by your institution(s)
  • Reasons IWAC should be held in your location (ease of transportation, facilities, hotels, local attractions)
  • Resources to be provided by the host institution(s) and/or college and department, including any letters of administrative support
  • Proposed conference theme
  • Proposed dates for the conference
  • Local contact(s) for host institution(s)


We have made several past proposals available for download. These might serve as models for a successful proposal.

Proposals are due December 15, 2023 and should be sent via email to Proposers should be members of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum.