Create an Ad Activity

Assignment Created by: Stephen Montgomery

Assignment Description

This activity is designed for students to work on blending the different rhetorical tools we have been discussing. It is meant to appear early in the semester, a class or two after a discussion of the different rhetorical strategies or devices. It is meant to help them as they work towards the
Landmark Analysis project. This activity can be done either in a group or singly, although I elected to have it performed as a group activity in case some students are uncomfortable with the graphic design element. Students are to work in Canva, a free design website, to create an ad for
a product with which they are familiar, something that they use every day. Once they complete the ad, they are to write a short reflection demonstrating how the ad is persuasive. They must point to at least three examples of how the elements of rhetoric are working in the ad. I do grade
the assignment, and it was going to take the place of their in-class participation for the day. 

Instructions for Students

For this assignment, to be completed in class, you will need to create an ad of your own using Canva. You can sign up for Canva here. Please choose a product that you are familiar with, such as an item that you use every day.

Once the ad is complete, please explain how the ad is persuasive. Point to at least three examples. How are the elements of Rhetoric that we have discussed working in your ad?

You will upload the ad as a pdf and the explanation to Canvas using this assignment page. Please list each group member’s name in the written portion of this assignment.


Create an Ad Activity Rubric

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Ad Creation
3 Pts Full Marks
Ad clearly sells a specific product. Ad is complete and polished.
1.5 pts Partial Credit
Product is not clearly identifiable from ad. Ad lacks completeness and polish.
0 pts No Marks
There is no ad. There never was any ad. There will never be an ad.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Written Description: Examples
3 pts Full Marks
Written description of ad contains 3 distinct examples regarding the effectiveness of the ad's persuasive appeal.
1.5 pts Partial Credit
Written Description contains fewer than 3 distinct examples of the ad's persuasive appeal OR 3 elements are not clearly defined.
0 pts No Marks
No elements are clearly defined.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Written Description: Persuasive Effectiveness5 pts Full Marks
Written description clearly details the ways in which the ad is persuasive and explains how the different rhetorical devices used work together to sell the product advertised.
3 pts Partial Credit
Written description details the ways in which the ad is persuasive and discusses how the different rhetorical devices are used, but does not clearly explain how they support the sale of the product.
1 pts Partial Credit
Written description details the ways in which the ad is persuasive OR Written description discusses how the different rhetorical devices are used, but does not clearly explain how they support the sale of the product.
0 pts No Marks
There is no written explanation of the ad's effectiveness OR The written description fails to adequately explain the ad's effectiveness.
5 pts
Total Points: 11